The four of us behind a sculpture down town Marble Falls. |
What a weekend! I have to say it was the best time visiting with my girlfriends I grew up with in La Porte.
They called me last week and wanted to know if I were up to running away with them to Ruby's house in the hill country near Austin and I could not say Yes fast enough. I think before I hung up the phone with Ruby that night I was throwing clothes in the suitcase.
We try to have girly weekends whenever it is possible with the four of us. Ruby has a gorgeous weekend home that we all love to visit.
Here we are posing for our group picture. Their brother Oscar came along with us so we had him take our picture. Having him along only increases the fun we all have being together. He can come up with some hilarious ideas and of course we just follow along like we were kids again.
Bonnie is standing in the back with me. Yes I am short so you don't need to adjust your computer.
In front Linda Mae is on the left (she is also my sister-in-law) and Ruby on the right.
I have known these three sisters and brothers for sixty years!
Now I take the picture so we can get Oscar in the picture. I will have to send this to them because what a great family photo.
On these weekend get a ways we laugh, visit, play cards, eat, and laugh some more. There seems to be nothing that we don't talk about.
Friday night we went to the famous Blue Bonnet Cafe in Marble Falls. Can not tell you how excited I was when they mentioned we were going there. It is the small cafe that my kids took me to for my Birthday celebration. The food is good but their pies are what makes the cafe famous.
Hope my daughter isn't reading this because I am suppose to be on a diet with her. lol We were all going to order pie for dessert but then we were so full we decided we would just take one back to the house. Well then it was which pie do we choose. Votes were counted and the coconut creme pie won.
While the waitress was boxing that up I told them how good the chocolate fudge pie was so the five of us decide we will order a piece and share it. Well that was just one bite between us all and before I knew we were ordering a slice of German Chocolate pie too. Meanwhile we are laughing so hard because the waitress is not believing the group she is waiting on. There is so much laughing at our table that she decides to just get in on the fun. I love it when you can have a night out with friends like this one.
Back at the house we talk and talk about everything. We played cards until about 1am. Oscar went to bed early and left us up to giggle like we were kids back in La Porte. At times when we are together like this it's almost like we are all sitting in one of our cars while teenagers talking about the boys in our lives.
The next day we hit the re-sale shops. It surprised me for such a small town how many re-sale shops we visited. Look at this four poster gorgeous bed. After a month I believe it goes down to $250.00. Cheap and I love it but I think it is too big for my rooms. At least I am going to keep telling myself that
I was good and only bought a Pyrex bowl with lid. It was older and I had never seen one like it and I thought it was a great size for when I cook for the kids. The price was right too only two dollars.
Later at the house we were sitting in the yard and before I knew it Oscar was giving foot massages. Now how many brothers do you know will give their sisters a honest to goodness real foot massage. Lotion and all. lol He told me to slide my chair over and he would do mine but I figured after my poor tired feet were in tennis shoes sweating most of the day while walking I should not be so cruel to him. I sure was wanting to though it looked like it would of been so relaxing.
Then I told them I needed to get my camera and get some blog photo's of this but of course they talked me out of it. We are sitting around laughing and talking about my blog and I of course tell them how bad I have been with writing. I would give anything if I could remember what all we were laughing about and the title's they were coming up with for this post. One suggestion was We Had a Toe Sucking Good Time. Now I know we get silly but where did that come from. hahaha If you were a fly on the wall on weekends like this you would swear we were either drunk, high or both.
They double dog dared me to use that as my title and of course you know me. I could not loose a dare.
Well enough on my weekend. I just had to share a good time with you for a change. It seems all I have posted about here lately is all the things going on out here on the North Forty. Things are still hectic but my to do list is getting scratched off.
Boy August is here and it is HOT! I just thought it was hot in July but these past few days I feel like it is 115! I am so looking forward to fall.
The last few nights I have fallen a sleep trying to figure out where to stay and visit next month on mine and Christi's trip to Maine. I had my hopes up to be able to see Vermont too but from everything we have been told it would be hard to visit three states like I want to in five days. Flying in Saturday and flying home Friday doesn't leave a lot of time for everything I want to see.
Everyone keeps telling me 100 miles in Vermont is not like a 100 miles in Texas. So I guess I will just keep trying to figure it out. I did make reservations today for a beautiful place to stay in Portland the first night and then on Sunday we are going on a trolley tour of the city and then take a 90 minute water tour of some of the light houses. I am so excited! All my life I have wanted to see Maine and a month from today I will get to scratch this off my bucket list.
Well I am yawning and you have to be since this is a long post. I mainly wanted to check in and say hello.
Ruby if your reading this Thank You for a fun filled weekend. I am still laughing at some of our conversations. If only I could share them on here.
Stay cool everyone and remember I think of you often.
Sweet Dreams