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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Grandma Yellow Hair Is In Love!

Well it is 4:00 AM and since Tinkerbell for some unknown reason besides thinking she was hungry slapped me awake at 3:30 so after taking care of her needs I got to thinking about the new man in my life and could not sleep.

Did I just let the cat out of the bag. Grandma Yellow Hair has a new Bad Boy in her life. Yep and girl friends he is 100 percent of everything I have been dreaming of at night and sometimes during the day hours.

I honestly so far find him dependable, trust worthy and not bad company on a long day. Actually when I climbed on top of this Bad Boy yesterday I thanked God for letting him come into my life. I of course was a little timid at first but after a while it all came back to me. We got along so well that we ended up spending the whole day together.

My new baby is built solid and can turn you every which way without the least effort on his part. Several times I thought I might scream from the pure joy of the way he let me handle the ride. I found it an easy smooth ride which at my age that is a major plus.

Also I found him easy to get on and off. Not much different than the one I was use too. He's has a wider mid section but so do I.

Since he is a virgin I am hoping that there will be little or no up keep for a long time. Just need to make sure he is full and check his oil now and then. Easy peazy considering the men before him.

He is a little brighter than I like in my men but I guess on the up side we will be seen on the sides of the road or out in the woods.

I feel bad that he has to sleep outside though for now because my doors to the ole farm house are too small for his big frame.
My previous love looked a lot like this

but now I am in more of this look!

See I told you he was a Bad Boy!

Underneath the seat where you step up on him it say's MOW With An Attitude. Now how funny is that!

Hope you enjoyed meeting my new love!

Be gentle on yourself today and do something that makes you happy!

Love to all

Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Porch!

Hi Sweethearts! Just wanted to share some of the pic's of my newly painted front porch.
Would love for you to join me here for a cool glass of lemonade.
Oh the laughs we could have sitting here! What happens on Grandma Yellow Hair's Porch stays there. lol
Sorry could not resist.

I have decided to make two separate sitting areas on each end of the porch. The above photo is the far end where my porch swing hangs. I turned my pink rockers facing the swing. In between the rockers and swing I have a little table and chairs. 

I need to paint the chairs and tables a different color and replace the black check oil cloth that I covered these chairs with a long time ago.

On the other end I have a couple of wicker chairs with a table in between them. Of course MaMa Kitty would not move off the table so I could get this picture. I put my rose vintage table cloth on the table but it is too big. Should I wait for Warrenton to find me another one or does this give me excuse to shop.

It's a long country porch so I thought I could get by with two sitting areas. Not sure if I will leave the rockers sitting out in the middle like this or not. Right now I like them but time will tell.

Do you like the bright colored flowered rug? Of course it is a Wal Mart special since that's about all there is around here to shop. It's an outdoor rug but have had it in my back bedroom for a while now. lol  As you can see in this pic it was still raining when I took these pictures so my porch floor does not look that great in this picture.

My landlady came today and loved the new look. I was hoping she would not mind me painting over the green porch she had picked out. I was just tired of the green and it was peeling so bad in a lot of spots.

We did not visit as long as I had hoped because she decided I needed a new tractor so off we go tractor hunting. OMGosh the prices were so high. Glad it is not me having to pay for one of these beauties. Not sure which one she will decide on.  Hopefully in the next couple of days I will have one delivered out here.

As far as the pink house she left it up to me to take care of it. Whatever I want to do is fine with her. So I guess I have to get busy and make up my mind. She is wanting the bed and breakfast but I don't think they realize how much more work that will be for me to deal with. Plus furnishing it and making it look cozy is another challenge.

Sorry these pic's are not as good as I wanted but I was anxious to show the new look to you. As you can see I played on the ipiccy site again making collages. It is a fun spot to play with your photo's.

Sending you lot's of sweet wishes for the best weekend. Be gentle on yourself and take care.

Love to all

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Almost Bra less and Haggard!

Good morning my dear friends. I hope you are well and enjoying the week. AS always I  Appreciate you coming by and visiting with me. You are important part of my life. I miss you when I am not able to keep up with my blogging.

It seems I am repeating myself over and over again by asking Where do these weeks go? Is it my age because I have always heard the older you get the faster time goes by.

Sunday I rode with my brother Billy and Sister-in-Law Linda to the other side of Austin to visit with my dear friend Ruby. If you remember Ruby is Linda's sister and we were raised together since before I was in the first grade. We have always kept in close touch and Ruby, Linda their other sister Bonnie and I get together for girl's weekend whenever we get the chance.

Ruby's home is the beautiful hill country and her home is gorgeous. Her back patio porch is my favorite place to sit when I am lucky enough to visit. It's such a relaxing place to sit.

It was Father's Day and I was so happy to spend it with their Dad Harvey who was my Dad's best friend. My dad has been gone for over twenty years so Harvey has always been like my dad. He is one of the sweetest men you will ever meet and I love him dearly.

Ruby thank you for having me Sunday. I had a wonderful time.

Let me share with you a quick story of how I showed up dressed for my visit Sunday. My outside cat had kittens April 22nd and before I could find them and help her take care of them something killed three of the four. Leaving me just one poor little female. She is really small for 8 weeks old. Anyway I have been keeping her either in a cage or locked in my bathroom to save her from what ever killed her siblings.

So when I got up Sunday morning I had plenty of time to be dressed and ready by 8:15 the time my brother said he would pick me up. Well I did not allow for the kitten to get loose in my house and me having to chase it from room to room trying my darnedest to catch it.

Finally after a good twenty minutes I got her and put her back in the bathroom hoping she would be okay while I was away. She has not been to the vet yet so I am keeping her away from Tinkerbell..

Billy and Linda drive up exactly the moment I catch the kitten and I grab my purse, my candy I had fixed to take and run out the door. Some people you just don't keep waiting and Billy is one of them. He reminds me so much of my granddaddy.

About ten minutes on the rode I realize I have no jewelry on. I mean none.  Never do I go without at least ear rings because my ear lobes have gone south along with every other part of me.  I look through my purse praying I have an extra pair inside but no such luck. I wanted so bad to get Billy to go back but I just pulled my hair over my ears and tried to forget it.

Then after another ten miles or so I realize I had forgotten to put in my bridge for my bottom tooth I lost. Remember the post of how devastated I was to loose a tooth near my front at the bottom. I keep thinking I am going to break down and have a implant but so far have not been lucky enough to do so.

I nearly died when I realized there was no way Billy was going to turn around and go back. Seriously I know this sounds terribly vain but we were going to be seeing quite a few people at Ruby's and to think I will be greeting them toothless was horrible.

While going down the rode I thought of my friend Gretchen who would run over to my house from the pink house and watch Mad Men on Sunday nights and she would always comment that she was coming over bra less and haggard. I laughed so hard thinking if she could see me now almost bra less and haggard myself riding down the rode to visit my friends.

We had a good laugh about it while getting to Ruby's. I guess sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself.

Speaking of the kitten I think you can have them fixed when their 8 weeks. Does anyone know if this is right? She seems so little for surgery. Also I am thinking it was a big Tom Cat that killed her sisters. Tonight when I went out to bring her in I saw the tom cat that I think might have done it and I am thinking if I had been a few minutes later she would not be here right now. So  does anyone know when it would be safe to leave her outside. I can't keep her in my bathroom forever. Now after seeing this cat right at dark I don't think it will be safe to let her out during the day.

Also could her mom already be in heat again. She sure has been crying a lot the last few days. My intentions were to have her fixed before she gets pregnant again. I thought it would be longer than 8 weeks for her to be in heat again. Good gosh I am sorry for being so dumb but you know I was a city girl thrown out here in the country. haha

I wanted to show you my porch that I painted but it is raining so I will wait to take my pictures. I am happy with it so far and it was a wise decision not moving everything back on it.

Today I will be busy entertaining my friend Barbara who owns this place. She is in Texas from Nevada and is spending the day out here. I hope she will be happy with how the place looks. Believe it or not even though I mow all the time I am still behind with mowing. I can't seem to be lucky enough to keep more than one tractor working at a time.

I think one thing we will be discussing is the pink house. It will be empty again at the end of this month and she is considering we go in together with doing a bed and breakfast. Much to figure out if we do decide on making it into one.

Well as you can see I just posted to say hello. Hopefully in the next few days I can catch up with you and see what you have been up to.

Enjoy your day and BE Happy!

Love to all

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Young Man In Prison!

Here it is several days past the time I was going to do this post. I have to tell you I am busier now than when I held down two jobs. 
How all of you do it working full time, children and hubbies to take care of and still blog is amazing to me.

I was looking for a picture to go along with the prison story I wanted to share with you but could not find one but look at the pic's I did find on this site  Vintage Mugshots from the 1920s [30 Photos]

These are old mug shots from the 1920's. I found them kind of interesting in that the way the pictures were taken. Not anywhere near the mug shots of today's prisons.

Did everyone wear suits and hats in the 1920's?

Take a look at this guy!

Or these two!

I guess back then they saved money by taking group pictures.

This last one of the way the guy is posing with his legs spread and hat on is just too much.

On this site it tells you also what these guys were arrested for...I will let you just guess while your looking over their pictures.

The story I wanted to share with you today is a sad one so you may want to skip my story. It's about a very young man of 18 who came to our prison with full blown aids.

It was state policy or federal policy not sure which but we were not told which inmates were infected with the aid's virus when incarcerated at our unit. This we felt was not right but as the saying went Inmates always had more rights than the Officers.

In this young man's case we didn't have to be told because it was obvious how sick he was and very soon he ended up in our infirmary. This is where I met him and my story begins.

I was told by my Sgt to report to the Infirmary for a Medical transfer to the John Sealy Hospital in Galveston. My shift was almost over and I was tired and ready to go home. Taking a Inmate 150 miles
at the end of my work day was not what this ole tired woman had in mind. My bed was calling me.

Having been working in a prison for a while I thought I had already pretty well seen everything there was to see but when I stepped inside our Infirmary to get this inmate I have to tell you I had to do everything to control my emotions. Never had I seen a man or boy in his case walking toward me that looked like something out of a horror movie. He absolutely looked like the actors in the Walking Dead.  Covered in horrible sores from head to toe. Just unbelievable sight.

He could  barely stand yet he was scuffling  toward me with handcuffs and leg shackles on pulling his bag of personal property.

I reached for some gloves and then I took  the bag from him to pull myself. I knew this was a No No but like I said this boy was barely walking.

Before I could take two steps toward the door the Officer assigned to the Infirmary that night told me No way was I carrying that for him. He even went so far as to tell me he would call the Sgt if he had too.

The Officer then pulled me aside and started explaining to me that if I knew the crimes this young Inmate had committed I would not be offering to help him.

Don't get me wrong I was upset hearing what he had done. Disgusted that anyone could be so cruel but I knew that he was dying and as a human being first Officer second I wasn't going to walk the long distance to our back gate watching this Inmate try to pull this bag.

I knew I was breaking rules but sometimes in situations your faced with you feel like I did you had no choice.

On the ride to the hospital very few words were exchanged with the two of us but he did manage to tell me that all he had in this world was a Dad and he was locked up in another Texas prison. He ask if his Dad could be notified of his going to John Sealy. I assured him that someone would take care of notifying the other Unit where his Dad was incarcerated.

He did admit to me how scared he was because he knew that he was dying. I told him I understood  and that we could talk about it and even pray together. Maybe later was his reply. I explained to him there would be a Inmate Chaplin there at the hospital and he should spend time with him.

Upon our end of our long drive he thanked me for helping with his bag.

I remember riding back and thinking to myself what a sad long drive that was for that Inmate and for me because of not knowing the right words to say to him. Little did I know that only a few weeks later I would be coming home from Houston  on  another trip from a hospital but this time the journey home was even harder. My girlfriend ask me to ride with her to get test results from her doctor and then we would shop and have lunch.

She came out of the doctors office and collapsed  into my arms. The doctor  had told her she had six months or less to live.  I was beyond shocked . One minute I am sitting in the waiting room waiting on Barbara to come out from her appointment and the next we are holding each other sobbing.

I still can't believe that this doctor gave her no indication that he was going to be giving her this kind of news. She could of brought her husband along instead of a friend. Unbelievable!

Needless to say that turned out to be a even harder trip than the one with the young man. The next five months I was able to stay with her during the day and her husband at night.  She never gave up hope that the doctors were wrong and went to several others for test but it the end we lost her.

Sorry for sharing such a sad story with you today. I have so many stories of my days working in the prison and now and then want to share them.

Thanks for visiting with me today. I hope you are having a good week. I painted my front porch yesterday morning and now it is gray instead of green. Will take some pic's.  Did not realize how much furniture and other stuff I had on my porch until I had to take it all off. Pretty sure not all is going back on it.

Today I am cleaning my little back yard and spraying weeds around the fences. I am tired of trying to weed eat them so I am hoping this spraying will take care of some of that work.

Be good and stay cool. As always

Love to all

Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Monday!

Hey sweeties it's sweltering deadly hot outside. Ninety-nine degrees to be exact and it is only June. So how are you staying cool today? Whatever makes you stay cool then I hope it is working and your doing well.

I am sitting under the AC with a ceiling fan spinning on high sipping on a glass of cold lemonade doing my favorite thing visiting with you.

Thank you for coming by and visiting me today as always I am tickled pink you are here. Sweet comment you left me about my sons wedding on the previous post. Stephanie has her annual wedding blog party every June and I have to admit I have run out of marriages. lol  

After all the super nice comments about my blue dress I must loose enough to get back into it. My new healthy way of eating is paying off slowly but that's okay as long as I feel better and the scales keep going a direction this ole grandma is not use to. Only four pounds the first week. If I had stuck strictly to the diet perhaps I would of lost a lot more but I am working on it. 

I am still having trouble giving up caffeine but I no longer walk around with a Diet Dr. Pepper in my hand. A small thing I do that has helped me is I bought a bag of Sonic ice.  Sonic Drive-Ins here are on every street corner in Texas. Sounds silly I know but their ice comes in little cubes and making smoothies now every morning for breakfast these cubes are easy on my small blender. Also it makes it easier for me to drink all the water I need every day.

This was the prefect season to start this vegan diet with all the fresh fruits available right now. My smoothie today was a small banana, kiwi, pineapple, almond milk and ice. Wow it was really good. 

Yesterday my friend Sharon ask me go to the movies to see the new Snow White movie. We laughed on the way out of the theater saying we needed to go home and reread Snow White. It was not at all what I expected but we both liked it. Plus it got me out of the house for a few hours. 

I was going to share one of my ole prison stories today but since I have already wrote a chapter I will save it for tomorrow. Plus I received the most adorable letter from my grand daughter Kaci this afternoon and I want to write her back before I mow this evening

Enjoy your evening.
Love to all


Friday, June 8, 2012

My Son's Wedding and The Novica Winner!

Today I am joining in with Stephanie at Angelic Accents  for her annual Wedding Blog Party and I also have a winner of the generous gift certificate from Novica

. This year I decided to be serious and post the wedding of my son Clint to the love of his life Andrea.
The first time I did this party with Stephanie it was of my wedding many moons ago. For a laugh you can click HERE here to see those pictures.
Now for some pictures of a very special day in my life!

Visiting with my Beautiful Future Daughter-in-Law Andrea

                                               Clint posing with his Mom and Dad before the wedding.

                            Andrea having a last minute with her sweet Mom before walking down the aisle.

                                           Handsome Father of the Bride, John, escorting his daughter down the aisle.
Love the smile on Andrea's face.

One of my favorite photo's of Andrea and Clint exchanging their vows.

Happy couple leaving the church.
Bridal Party!

Andrea, Clint with Christi, Wayne (most of you know him as the Idiot) on left.
Moi, my son Chad and my Mother on right.

Cutting the Wedding Cake.

Another favorite picture of mine is this one with my three precious children.
Christi, Clint, Myself, and Chad.

                                                       Posing with my Clint at the reception!

Look at the Just Married couple dancing!

Sitting in the Limo ready to start their married life together.
I love them both so much.  This was one of the best day's of my life.
They have blessed me with two adorable grand babies since this awesome day.

Thank you for joining me today for sweet Stephanie's Wedding Party I hope it was not too long of a post.. 
Be sure and click on Stephanie's site at the beginning of this post and see her wedding post. You want believe all her wedding pictures.

Now I know your anxious to know who won my fabulous $50.00 Gift Certificate from  a company I love to shop in the comfort of my home.

I used the Random Generator because it is so easy to just put in the numbers and let them choose the winner.
Drum Roll Please!

Surprise, Surprise 
Would you believe the number ONE won. Like a lot of people everyone hates to be first to enter because of it falling on number 1 but it did. 
Sonny honey your the big big winner of the $50.00 Gift Certificate to Novica. Thanks to Rick and Novica I was able to have such a nice giveaway.  So happy for you sweet friend. I know you will love shopping with this great company.
Sonny is a blogger you will love if you have not already met her. You can find her at 155 Dream Lane
My comment count had 37 on it when I got up this morning but one was after the deadline and she confirmed that in her comment but  thanks Tammy for coming by I always love hearing from you.
The other was a duplicate comment that I deleted so if I counted right I had 35 entries.
Since writing this I have had more entries. I am so Very Sorry but the giveaway ended June 7th at midnight central standard time. 

A HUGE thank you for everyone that entered my giveaway. I can not tell you how much I wish all of you could of won but I have another giveaway coming up soon so please don't give up. 

Sending you all good wishes for the best of weekends. Be safe and come back to see me real soon. You know I love visiting with you.
We had some nice rain last night which sounded good on the tin roof. Nice for a change.
Love to all

PS: I loved my dress for this wedding so maybe I can loose enough to get back into it. lol.....My diet is in it's fifth day and I am not doing too bad. I get up every morning and fix a fruit smoothie in the blender. Usually I put a little bit of almond milk in it instead of yogurt since I am suppose to cut out all dairy products.
Then for lunch I fix a salad and a big one. lol
Dinner or supper I do either the smoothie again or a salad with veggies. 
I do miss my cookies and DP for breakfast. lol

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Home From The Hill!

Gosh I have missed you! It's hard to believe I have not posted since last Friday. Seems like these days of mine are just flying by and not enough time to come around and talk to you.

My weekend was super delightful because Gretchen phoned Friday night asking if she could come down because she claimed she needed a Maggie fix. So of course I was more than happy to spend my weekend with her.

We were suppose to write for three hours and then play the rest of the weekend but we never stopped talking long enough to write. I felt bad about that because she is on a tight schedule to get her screen plays completed.

She is such a beautiful young lady and I hate I never got a picture of her while she was here. It was a weekend of just laughing and catching up. I adore Gretchen and appreciate her giving up a weekend to spend with this ole lady.

Yesterday and today I have just been busy running after tractor parts and taking another computer class. I had hoped to mow this evening but would you believe I turned on the movie channel while eating my dinner and the old movie Home From the Hill with Robert Mitchum was on and I totally forgot about mowing. lol

Have you seen this movie. It was made in 1960 with George Hamilton as Mitchum's son and George Peppard as the illegitimate son. Wow what writing. I have seen it but must of been 10 years ago so I enjoyed watching it again.

As I mentioned in earlier post Christi and I are trying to do the Eat to Live Diet. It is just a healthy way to eat. She has done a lot better than myself since I cheated with Gretchen and went out for Mexican food and a Pina Colada. Hope Christi is not reading this post.

So far I have not shopped for all the veggies and fruits I need to be super good at this diet but I have managed to stay away from sweets, fried foods and bread.

I am making myself smoothies for breakfast. This morning I blended a banana, black berries, black berry yogurt and ice until smooth. Oh boy was that a good breakfast and I was not hungry all morning.

Then for lunch I had left over baked salmon with fruit and for dinner I had a salad.

I am cheating by adding yogurt to the smoothies and by eating fish. Instead of completely leaping into the six week plan of nothing but fruit, veggies and salad I decided the first week I would gradually work out all milk products and fish. Hopefully after a week of this I can get even stricter with my eating healthier. Instead of meat they want you to eat beans and nuts for your protein

Also I have read a lot about Almond Milk.  

Almond milk contains less sugar and fewer calories than cow’s milk. It is a fantastic source of healthy fats and vitamin E, your skin’s best friend. You can even make your on with this cheap and easy recipe.

1 cup of raw, organic nuts.  You can use a cup of almonds or get creative use cashews, walnuts or hazelnuts.

4 cups of filtered water

A mesh strainer or a couple layers of cheesecloth

Optional 2 Medjool dates or 2 T agave nectar or maple syrup.

Soak nuts in water for 6 hours or overnight at room temp. Drain and discard soaking water. Place almonds and half the water in a blender and blend on high for 2 minutes.

Add the remaining water and continue to blend on high for 2 or 3 minutes. Add the dates or syrup now if you want your milk sweeter.
Strain mixture using cheese cloth or mesh strainer into a bowl

Store in airtight container in fridge for 2 to 4 days. Shake well and enjoy on cereal, in coffee, in smoothies or straight from the glass.

Sorry for such a long post but I just wanted to check in with you. I hope you are having a blessed week. Be sure and check out my GIVEAWAY that I am having this week. Novica was nice enough to sponsor this for us so I really appreciate it if you can put your name in the hat on the post before this one.

Take care and know that I am thinking of you.
Sweet Dreams and Love to all

Friday, June 1, 2012

Novica's Awesome Giveaway!

You will be glad to know I have fallen in love again. It was easy to fall for him. Why because he is gifting one of you a $50.00 Gift Certificate to  NOVICA . His name is Rick and he is awesome.

Rick works for Novica  and if your not familiar with this site then you are in for an amazing surprise. They have everything I mean everything you could possibly want but the best thing is their products are made by artisans all over the world.

I have been browsing the site nightly since Rick emailed me and I am overwhelmed with all the unique  gorgeous items you can buy with this $50.00 gift. On their site you will find Jewelry, clothing, home decor,  area rugs, paintings and much much more.

Look at just a few of the items I found on their huge wonderful site. Keep in mind these are only a handful of items that this great company has to offer.
Don't you love this blue Hammock?  Great Father's Day Gift! 

I especially heart this Swing Hammock. Since seeing this I keep trying to figure out where I could hang this baby. lol
                                                         Look at the details of this cross.

                                             Don't you love the sculpture of Mary and Jesus?

This is the second giveaway that Novica has been so kind to let me have for them. I owe Rick a lot for keeping my friends Happy.

To enter this delightful giveaway just click on some of the specials they have going right now that I have listed under the next three pictures. Just come back and tell me what you thought of their site and what you might use your gift certificate for if your the lucky winner. You have until midnight June 7th central standard time to enter. I use the Random Generator to choose my winner.

How easy is that to have the chance to win a $50.00 Gift Certificate?

                                                                     Batik clothing

                                                                  Silver Link Bracelets

I chose to start this giveaway today because June 1st was my Daddy's Birthday. He was the best Dad in the world.
In the previous post I meant to tell you a short story about the day I met Ronnie. My family and I were camping at Garner State Park here in Texas. One morning while  I was swimming in the river this cute guy swims over to me and introduces himself. Turns out we both lived in the Houston area. 
Anyway after the day of swimming I took Ronnie to meet my parents at the camp site. I will never forget the look on my dad's face when we walked up to the cabin. 
Turns out he knew Ronnie! Now we are five hundred miles from our hometowns and I meet a young man that knows my dad. What are the chances? My dad was a supervisor for Mrs. Baird's Bread and Ronnie worked at one of the grocery stores they served.  A small world is right.

Thank you for all the heart felt comments you left me about Ronnie in the last post. You know I love you and appreciate each and every comment you leave me.
Also want to thank Rick and Novica for thinking of us bloggers and sponsoring this giveaway.
Hope you have the best of weekends. I see mowing in my forecast because it rained here yesterday.

Love to all,